Thursday, March 29, 2007

Banned from for defending a right.

Banned from for defending a right.

This is a web site that allows gun haters to attack people that defend the right to bear arms by violating the tos rules.

Then this web site bans a person for reporting this harassment. Gun haters at this web site use names like freedom fighter 2007, M14 Shooter(a well known porn spammer from aol and a threat to small children), Jefferson, and Frosty451 just to name a few of the gun haters.

These gun haters feel they can hide behind the name gun owners and then defend gun control laws.



That is right, this is the only word perverted homosexuals hide behind to defend their perversion.
This is to combat the simple fact of choice. You know what people do when they choose to be a perverted homosexual.

One must really ponder why all of this bs is needed to defend a perversion. If homosexuality were as perverted homosexuals chant, then why the need for all of the public relations bs?

A fact about homosexuality.
Nature made it impossible for homosexuals to reproduce. Could this be so this perverted choice would die out? Hell I guess we could pay for a study to suggest this simple logic.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Banned from

Banned from

Here we have a perfect example of a newspaper that chants it protects the 1st amend. Yet people are banned from it for voicing their opinion. Even if these people do not violate the rules of the forums.

I asked a simple question at this forum and was instantly attacked with very hurtful and hate filled insults from the leftist aka progressives that hide behind the word “tolerance”. Apparently the only “tolerance” the leftist aka progressives have is for people that think only like them. Any other way of thinking then you are not allowed to speak your opinion. You know my way or the highway.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Great news homophobs!

Since you cannot change what you are the homophobs can now come out of the closet and chant they are homophobs. They will not be able to hold hands and chant this because you know what how they feel about holding hands with other people of the same sex. But what the hell!
Hell maybe they could even have a homophob pride parade, dancing down the streets of America.
Just think even the racist can use this perverted fag logic of not being able to change.
Just think of all of the disgusting activities we can now accept because the fags say you cannot change what you are!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

perverted homosexuals constantly chant

Why is it perverted homosexuals constantly chant the word hate? When is it hateful to speak out against a perversion?

Now when you ask a perverted homosexual to defend their chosen perversion you get many answers. All of which that can be debunked.

The latest is “fags are born that way”.
Crap using this fag logic I guess people are born bankers, waiters, cooks, airline pilots, ships captains, sailors, dock workers, farmers, production line workers, warehouse workers, truck drivers, doctors, and on and on until we name everything. Oh and of course these people cannot change what they are because they were born that way.
What a lame logic fags use!

How about the fag chant “homosexuality happens in nature”?
So does incest, murder, cannibalism, and polygamy which we also do not allow.

How about the fag chant “consenting adults”?
Well polygamy is between consenting adults, but it is not allowed. Same for prostitution a thing between consenting adults. Yet it is still not allowed.

How about the fag chant “sexual orientation”?
Sexual orientation does not mention consenting or legal. So such sexual acts of rape, child molestation, sex with dead bodies, sex with animals and more can be defended using sexual orientation.

Monday, March 19, 2007

What is with leftist aka progressives?

This is the group people that chant they defend the constitution of the United States of America. Now when you go to web sites operated by leftist aka progressives the first thing you learn is leftist aka progressives do not defend the constitution of the United States of America. In fact the leftist aka progressives just to push the leftist aka progressives agenda of destroying America.
Web sites like,,,,,,, nasty Randi Rhodes, and DRUDGEFORUM.COM chant they allow free speech. The only problem is it is not free speech. It is speech the way these leftist aka progressives want it. You know my way or the highway type of clowns. And leftist aka progressives chant they are the tolerant aholes.

A few of these web sites chant they are conservative web sites. You are not a conservative if you splinter the conservative party. That means you are not a conservative if you chant you are a conservative but you support the things that conservatives have always been against.

One tactic of the leftist aka progressives is multi cultural bs. This is done to fragment your opposition. This way the group will not vote as a group but a lot of little groups that vote different ways. Basically there is no longer the ole American melting pot but a lot of little pots.

Your family left the other countries for a reason, America is a better place to live. So why would you want to make America into a copy of the hell hole your families left? If these countries were so good no one would be leaving them.

When you post things like the above on these so called free speech web sites you are banned!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Banned from

Here we have yet another leftist aka progressive web site that only allows one side of an issue to be posted.
Is their position so weak that they cannot allow the other side to be heard?

This web site wants two things. Gun control and the perversion of homosexuality. Anyone that speaks out against these issue is banned from this leftist aka progressive web site.

Weak people like leftist aka progressive web sites have weak arguments and cannot stand proper debates of these issues.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

I was banned from

I was banned from for simply saying there is no requirement to be in a militia to bear arms. Now the owner operator Thomas Riggins banned me because I said a requirement to be in a militia to exercise ones right to bear arms is an infringement on the right to bear arms.

Gun hater Sarah Brady like the militia lie. Why? Simple because it gives the gun haters the right to place limits on the right to bear arms.
How? Again simple. Gun hater Sarah Bradys uses the well regulated part of the 2nd amend to defend gun control laws.
Now braindead gun haters like Thomas Riggins will chant well regulated means something else. But as usual that falls on the deaf ears of the gun haters. Because here we have a so called pro right to bear arms person named Thomas Riggins that is defending well regulated gun control laws. Stupid is as stupid does.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

banned from this web site

I was banned from this web site by ulm, monte for once again simply telling the gun haters to leave the 2nd amend alone.
Now there is a group of people at claiming they are pro right to bear arms. Some of the names this group uses are galileo, emclean, daewoo, amd4ever, sundowner, and Rev. HellH0und.
This group of people all claimed to be gun owners. The problem is not one of them demanded any gun control laws be removed. This group of gun haters defended every gun control laws gun hater Sarah Brady wanted.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

banned from

Here is yet another leftist aka progressive web site that I was banned from. Now the perverted homosexuals at banned me because I would not bend to their demand to accept a perversion. Now the leftist aka progressives at this web site cannot win an argument so they ban people. One member of this web site even threaten to harm me. I reported this web site to the police for the city it is in and filed a report. Now the leftist aka progressives chant they are the peace party and yet commie pinko leftist aka progressives at think they can threaten to harm you for simply defending your opinion. Is not this a 1st amend right? Speaking ones mind!

banned from

Here we have yet another so called pro right to bear arms gun web site that banned me.
And yes again I was banned by the Derek Zeanah. Nothing more nothing less. Gun haters like Derek Zeanah like to hide behind the lie they are pro right to bear arms because they think it makes their demand for limits on a right have more merit.
This web site also does nothing but defend gun control laws.

This guy Derek Zeanah is nothing more then a gun hater in gun owners clothing. This is a very common tactic used by gun haters. This web site this gun hater Derek Zeanah operates does nothing but attack the right to bear arms.

banned from Gun Control and Freedom Debate Board.

Here is another gun hater web site I was banned from Gun Control and Freedom Debate Board. It is hard to call this a debate form because the faggot oh wait an American by the name of Ann is catching hell for saying faggot.
Here we have a gun hater by the name of Kulanui( I did not say faggot) that banned me because I reported a moderator by the name of pickleweaseler for posting a death threat to me on gun hater Kulanui’s Gun Control and Freedom Debate Board.

Now gun hater Kulanui later sent me a e-mail saying I could come back as long as I did not disrupt the board. Oncec again all I said was leave the 2nd amend alone and the gun haters at gun hater Kulanui’s Gun Control and Freedom Debate Board attacked me. Even though the gun haters all chanted they were pro right to bear arms.
One gun hater by the name of bradybunch had to be reported to the operators of ezboard to stop this perverts constant harassing e-mails from ezboard. The next stop for this hateful gun hater bradybunch will be the proper authorities to deal with the harassment.

banned from

Here is another forum I was banned from Now I was banned from this debate forum for using the words perversion or perverted before homosexual. It appears this web sites only goal is to push the perversion of homosexuality onto other people.
For speaking out against the perversion of homosexuality I was called all of the perverted homosexuals hateful names. This is from the very group of perverts that hide behind the word tolerance. It appears tolerance is only what the perverts believe and all others be labeled homophobic.

If perverted homosexuals want the same rights as heterosexuals then you would think they could at least do the very same things heterosexuals can do. The last time I checked two perverted homosexuals cannot reproduce.

banned from this web site

I was banned from this web site for simply saying leave the 2nd amend alone. This is suppose to be another web site in support of the 2nd amend. Yet the owner operator Dean Thomas feels anyone saying leave the 2nd amend alone is the trouble maker.
The other members of this forum if you can call a one sided gun hating web site like a forum are just as anti right to bear arms as is Dean Thomas.

The funny thing about so called pro gun rights boards like this one is, they defend every gun control law on the books. And yet gun haters like Dean Thomas at claim to be pro right to bear arms.
When in actuality this person Dean Thomas at is just another gun hater like Sarah Brady.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

I was banned from awbansunset for saying leave the 2nd amend alone.

That is right gun hater Michael Caswell at awbansunset banned me for saying leave the 2nd amend alone. And gun hater Michael Caswell is suppose to be pro right to bear arms.
Another funny thing is gun hater Michael Caswell did not ban a person using the name eightball. Gun hater eightball posted a hit list on gun hater Michael Caswell's awbansunset with my name in it. A clear violation of gun hater Michael Caswell rules at awbansunset. Yet gun hater eightball was never banned for posting a hit list to kill a bunch of people at gun hater Michael Caswell's awbansunset. I had to contact the FBI to get gun hater Michael Caswell to remove the hit list with my name on it.
The good thing is gun hater Michael Caswell’s awbansunset is no longer around. Could it be because gun hater Michael Caswell would allow people such as gun hater eightball to post a hit list of people? Or could it be because gun hater Michael Caswell used the name of gun hater eightball to harass me and threaten to kill me? We will never know. Unless of course a gutless spineless gun hater grows a backbone and acts like a good citizens and confesses his crimes.

I was banned from the DRUDGEFORUM.COM for what?

I was banned from the DRUDGEFORUM.COM for reporting a sexually harassing PM(private message) from another member of this forum. The owner of the DRUDGEFORUM.COM Lance Kubena said I was hateful. I did not send anyone a sexually harassing PM. Apparently Lance Kubena blames the victims of sexual harassment and not the perverts that are doing the harassing. Could it be that Lance Kubena was using another name and in fact was the person sexually harassing me?