Thursday, March 8, 2007

I was banned from

I was banned from for simply saying there is no requirement to be in a militia to bear arms. Now the owner operator Thomas Riggins banned me because I said a requirement to be in a militia to exercise ones right to bear arms is an infringement on the right to bear arms.

Gun hater Sarah Brady like the militia lie. Why? Simple because it gives the gun haters the right to place limits on the right to bear arms.
How? Again simple. Gun hater Sarah Bradys uses the well regulated part of the 2nd amend to defend gun control laws.
Now braindead gun haters like Thomas Riggins will chant well regulated means something else. But as usual that falls on the deaf ears of the gun haters. Because here we have a so called pro right to bear arms person named Thomas Riggins that is defending well regulated gun control laws. Stupid is as stupid does.

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