Tuesday, March 6, 2007

banned from Gun Control and Freedom Debate Board.

Here is another gun hater web site I was banned from Gun Control and Freedom Debate Board. It is hard to call this a debate form because the faggot oh wait an American by the name of Ann is catching hell for saying faggot.
Here we have a gun hater by the name of Kulanui( I did not say faggot) that banned me because I reported a moderator by the name of pickleweaseler for posting a death threat to me on gun hater Kulanui’s Gun Control and Freedom Debate Board.

Now gun hater Kulanui later sent me a e-mail saying I could come back as long as I did not disrupt the board. Oncec again all I said was leave the 2nd amend alone and the gun haters at gun hater Kulanui’s Gun Control and Freedom Debate Board attacked me. Even though the gun haters all chanted they were pro right to bear arms.
One gun hater by the name of bradybunch had to be reported to the operators of ezboard to stop this perverts constant harassing e-mails from ezboard. The next stop for this hateful gun hater bradybunch will be the proper authorities to deal with the harassment.

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