Wednesday, March 21, 2007

perverted homosexuals constantly chant

Why is it perverted homosexuals constantly chant the word hate? When is it hateful to speak out against a perversion?

Now when you ask a perverted homosexual to defend their chosen perversion you get many answers. All of which that can be debunked.

The latest is “fags are born that way”.
Crap using this fag logic I guess people are born bankers, waiters, cooks, airline pilots, ships captains, sailors, dock workers, farmers, production line workers, warehouse workers, truck drivers, doctors, and on and on until we name everything. Oh and of course these people cannot change what they are because they were born that way.
What a lame logic fags use!

How about the fag chant “homosexuality happens in nature”?
So does incest, murder, cannibalism, and polygamy which we also do not allow.

How about the fag chant “consenting adults”?
Well polygamy is between consenting adults, but it is not allowed. Same for prostitution a thing between consenting adults. Yet it is still not allowed.

How about the fag chant “sexual orientation”?
Sexual orientation does not mention consenting or legal. So such sexual acts of rape, child molestation, sex with dead bodies, sex with animals and more can be defended using sexual orientation.

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