Tuesday, March 6, 2007

banned from this web site sksboards.com

I was banned from this web site sksboards.com for simply saying leave the 2nd amend alone. This is suppose to be another web site in support of the 2nd amend. Yet the owner operator Dean Thomas feels anyone saying leave the 2nd amend alone is the trouble maker.
The other members of this forum if you can call a one sided gun hating web site like sksboards.com a forum are just as anti right to bear arms as is Dean Thomas.

The funny thing about so called pro gun rights boards like this one is, they defend every gun control law on the books. And yet gun haters like Dean Thomas at sksboards.com claim to be pro right to bear arms.
When in actuality this person Dean Thomas at sksboards.com is just another gun hater like Sarah Brady.


BANNED said...

I visited this web site recently and read where ole gun hater Dean Thomas is having some medical problems. Could this be karma?

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

This brings back some bad memories from a couple of years ago. I was a dedicated member of sksboards until one of their moderators started posting personal attacks. The thread was about religion, and it seems that most of the moderators have a dislike for religion. When I posted my Christian beliefs, and keep in mind the thread was about religion, one of the moderators started posting all kinds insulting replies. When that happened, I knew it was time to leave before I got banned.

Anonymous said...

You might want to consider coming back. Now there's a RKBA section, people are clamoring for violent revolution all the time, and people are always saying leave the second amendment alone.

And there's a lot of Christians there.

Anonymous said...

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