Tuesday, March 6, 2007

banned from voiceofarizona.com

Here is yet another leftist aka progressive web site voiceofarizona.com that I was banned from. Now the perverted homosexuals at voiceofarizona.com banned me because I would not bend to their demand to accept a perversion. Now the leftist aka progressives at this web site cannot win an argument so they ban people. One member of this web site even threaten to harm me. I reported this web site to the police for the city it is in and filed a report. Now the leftist aka progressives chant they are the peace party and yet commie pinko leftist aka progressives at voiceofarizona.com think they can threaten to harm you for simply defending your opinion. Is not this a 1st amend right? Speaking ones mind!


Anonymous said...

You weren't banned because of what you believe in, you were banned because you wouldn't STFU about it.

Lib & Con said...

I know exactly what you are talking about. I was on voiceofarizona for a long time. There are very few reasonable people there. Moron in charge, Indie 616, June, are just like all the rest of the Libs. They claim to be progressive, generous, tolerant, all those good things. But in fact they are a complete contradiction. One thing Conservatives like me never do. We NEVER, EVER accuse anyone of being racist or hateful no matter what they say. It is prevalent among Libs because that is all they have. Libs believe in attacking you and then when you fire back they then accuse you of not engaging in civil discourse. A repeated tactic of theirs that knows no bounds. They are unlimited in their biases of thinking that the rich should pay far more in taxes than they already do and since most of the people thinking that pay no taxes, and are the beneficiary of someone with the expertize and ideas and taking the risks to provide them employment, it is a bizarre mindset. John Stossel has already ran a column on the Internet about how Conservatives give 30 per cent more in charity than Liberals. I have tried to fathom Liberals for a long time. Liberals believe in much government as they believe people are too stupid to exist without government. They believe that there should be a law passed for every conceivable ill that could ever befall a person. They think that Conservatives are going to take everything away from the people and leave the poor out in the streets and just take away their welfare check, while at the same time telling these people, Black, White, Hispanic, or whatever, that they are the victims of the White race and Conservatives and will always be victims. Just let us take over the country;s problems while at the same time offering nothing tangible to solve the war in Iraq or Afghanistan. At the same time Liberals protest everything about America,downgarde us all over the world, worry incessantly what the rest of the world thinks of us, and all the while calling themselves true patriots. Yes, I've only just begun. It was hard to stomach VoiceofArizona and I had to leave. Liberals are a complete contradiction and don't turn too fast in one direction or their many hypocrises will hit you in the head.